Shashank H P
CEO and Owner | shashank@gtgroups.in
Shashank is both an excellent worker and leader, who is frequently called upon for his knowledge of strategic planning. He leads mainly by example, always doing his best and encouraging others to do the same. While easy-going by nature, no one doubts his authority – he is direct and decisive when he needs to be. He is respected not only by his troops but by his peers and those up to the ranks. Shashank is a man of integrity and makes the tough calls when necessary.
Founder | vgt@gtgroups.in
Varamahalakshmi, the chairperson of Varahamalakshmi Educational And Charitable Trust. a strong proponent of education through which she has impacted the lives of thousands of people across Hassan, through initiatives in Education, for the overall development of the society. She takes a vision and makes it a reality through sound strategy development. She intuitively sees the threads of opportunity that wind through an organization, brings them together into a coherent whole, helps others extend their thinking, and drives material business advantage. Respected as a credible voice in decision making, and establishing governance boundaries.